3 Ocean Strange on Other Planets, There is a Sea of Diamonds

Two-thirds of the Earth is the sea that holds so many mysteries that we don’t know. Not only the Earth, other worlds out there have the sea is no less amazing.
If the sea is in the Earth often make us amazed, imagine the sea on the other planets that the content and appearance instead of water. In the Solar system, some of the planets have unique sea, there is a sea of diamonds to the sea, nuclear.

  1. Sea of Diamonds on Neptune and Uranus
    At the outer edges of the Solar system there are two planets gas giants ice, Neptune and Uranus. Both have a sea of diamonds. At the bottom of the atmosphere, both of these planets have a mantle consisting of water, ammonia ice and methane.

Because its weight is very large, coat they are under enormous pressure where the temperature ranges between were 1,727 degrees Celsius to 4.727 degrees Celsius. Under extreme conditions this is the methane breaks down into the core components, to produce pure carbon, which is under tremendous pressure forming diamonds.

High pressure coupled with the intense heat causes the diamond is completely melted, forming a sea of diamonds to the bottom of the coat. Same as water in the form of the density that it floats on top of the components of the melting, diamonds solid will float on top of the diamond liquid, which means there may be chunks of diamonds floating above the ocean.

There is even a theory which states that actually rains diamonds also occur on Uranus. The existence of this sea has been hypothesized through experiments in a National Laboratory Livermore, where scientists recreate extreme conditions of the coat of the ice giants through the laser, then melt the diamonds into the shape of the melting.

  1. The sea of Magma Io
    Io is a dwarf planet with a lot of volcanic mountain in our Solar system. There are more than 400 volcanoes in there, so that the surface is constantly bullied by the explosion and lava flow.

The volcanic activity that hard and it often happens that form a sea of magma which is located 50 kilometers below the surface. A sea of magma stored in a liquid state through two methods of heat generation, one of which involves the orbit of Io that is strange.

Located between Jupiter and two months of Galilee, Europa and Ganymede, the orbit of Io distorted into the shape of an ellipse, which means sometimes closer to Jupiter for most of its orbit. Because the gravitational pull of the planet, the surface of Io protruding in and out up to a height of 100 meters.

Pumping the tides here’s what produces large amounts of heat in the Io, so keep a sea of magma in a liquid state while continuing to trigger a volcanic eruption at the surface.

  1. Underground ocean of Enceladus at Saturn
    In the south polar region of the Planet Saturn there is a surface which is filled with the activity of cryovolcanic which churns out around 250 kilograms of water vapor every second.

Most of this water vapor falls back to the surface, while others escaped to the outside of Saturn. Analysts also found the presence of the sodium salt in grains of ice, exactly like the type of salt present in sea water.

In a research mission to Saturn, scientists confirm the existence of the sea by detecting the signal of the gravity of water. A team of scientists were able to detect the presence of the ocean below the surface with a volume which is quite massive.

Not only the sea underground named Enceladus, which consists of liquid water, is also found in the organic compound a sodium salt in bursts of water vapor at the poles of the planet. These findings bring up the possibility of a living creature can survive with the materials of the core of life.

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